Saturday, October 24, 2009

A beautiful figment of mankind's thought....

Hi everyone…ive tried poetry this this post if u remotely think that mathematics is beautiful…forget all ur college math and stuff for now as this post is supposed to be really non technical……so here it goes….

I wonder how math really describes nature,
With such precise solutions,
Leaving no room for a doubt or a confusion,
Even though abstractness is its main feature.

Long ago, it all started with the concept called “Number”,
Which spawned the process of “Counting”,
And some chose to loose their slumber,
To develop this counting into something called “Mapping”.

Several years later the world saw a world of conceptualization
With Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
From then on, math had no stopping,
And it literally went into the mode of overclocking.

In the mean time came a person called Issac Newton,
Whose thinking was incredibly meticulous;
He asked many subtle but non-obvious questions about a function,
And later answered them himself by inventing “Calculus”.

Math was now in the top gear of its development,
Now it has a learning strategy of its own which relies mostly on the “Axioms”,
Which are used by almost all graduate students,
To prove many brilliant and intriguing lemmas and theorems.

Inspite of theoritizing various functions, differentials, integrals and transforms,
U have to work on these mostly with the help of a electronic machine for computing,
I bet, math will never cease you from wondering,
If you know that, all that happens inside the machine is just the same old process of counting.

P.S: Please leave your comments.......


Karthik Wildchild Rao said...

Nice! I liked the way you plugged in uncommonly used English words, at times, into your lines.
Another thing I liked was that the poem conveyed its meaning very well, and surely, a fairly large number of people can comprehend its meaning.
Good job on the whole!

ananth said...

nice poem:)
well done!!!!

Anand said...

Good Work Anni!