Hi all, this time it’s a blog about anni’s wandering thoughts about the past.....it’s his narration this time and please bear if he over narrates some things.....Okay here it goes......
PS: This blog might be a bit boring.....its like a karan johar version of anni......just a kind of precaution. :)
CLASS nursery to 5rd grade:
This was perhaps THE happiest time in my life. I stayed in a small town called Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. There were absolutely no worries about anything other than the small stuff like losing a game of cricket or hide and seek etc. Back then i always imagined how it would be when i was 19 or 20 years of age and it seemed so nice and awesome from that far back in time. Every small event around seemed so observable and sensible, like an old lady carrying a pot of water, a middle aged man talking about his work on phone, a butterfly trapped in my house and me opening a window to let it go etc etc. I had friends who were mostly hindi speaking so even i learnt hindi so well that i usually forgot kannada words. I came to Bangalore for my 1st grade and joined assumption school.Dont ask me why the school had that name. Everything looked sooooo strange here initially. Firstly i didn’t know to write in kannada properly and secondly people in this part of the country seemed to be really not straight forward as i observed back then. The prospect of being in school for the whole day was nightmarish. I still remember those horrible starting days at school. There was this teacher at school who used to handle social studies and she really really used to strike terror in my heart. I remember myself crying sooo many times when she took her scale to threaten us little kids when ‘TALKING’......It was a treat everyday to come home when school got over, coz all i used to do was play around with my brother. Arrival of Saturday was the bonus of the week, and arrival of Monday was equally painful.The only prospect of boredom was completing the ‘CLASSWORK’ and arrival of Monday. Now, i cant believe how much of fun it was. So that was it till 5th grade in assumption school.
CLASS 6th grade to 10th grade:
For my 6th standard schooling i got into vani school(cbse). This part of the schooling was equally awesome and unforgettable. Ours was the first batch for 6th grade and there were around 14students in class. The awesome part was we didn’t have text books for 4 months. Sooooo we used to sit along with 5th grade students and sleep most of the time or play some games like book cricket, narrate some horror stories to each other and get nervous unnecessarily etcetc. The teachers here were truely good because none of them used to get mad at students for petty stuff like not bringing pencil, rubber, class work etc, and it was exactly what i needed, no text books, no classes and lenient teachers....immaturity at its best. Finally the text books arrived and guess what after about 2months Dr.Rajkumar gets kidnapped by veerappan. It was a yipppie for every school kid......u got holidays for more than a month due to some strikes going on across the state, again immaturity at its best :D. So, 6th grade got over with inerasable memories in my head. For 7th standard i got into vani(icse). The class which i got into seemed to have a lot of big brains ( one of them is currently in iitm), and i felt absolutely at sea when i saw the textbooks. I mean they had 3books for science can u believe it....atleast for me it was unbearable. I never got decent score there especially in science and math coz usually everything went over my head. I remember doing a bit decently in hindi as ihad that background. The friends i made in 7th grade were awesome and still are :P . Next phase: i couldn’t bear with the course pressure in icse...so got shifted to state syllabus in the same school and remained there till end of schooling. 8th and 9th were mostly spent in writing classworks, trying to be the class leader, bench leader, switch leader and such trivial posts and more importantly trying to impress the teachers. Everybody had computer in their houses by then (its different that i had it when i was in 5th grade :P), and exchanging game cds was a big time business back then. There was this NCC program at school and it was nothing more than torturing urself with stupid exercises voluntarily. But again it was awesome as the whole friends’ circle had volunteered :D . 10th standard was mostly about writing tests, exams, collecting question papers of previous years’ both in college and in tuition. Students were hell bent upon memorizing everything they could find (including page numbers hehe). It was repeatedly told to us that this was the ‘TURNING POINT’ in ur lives. I really don’t know that i turned properly or not :D .Every student tried to get 100pc in every test or exam. There were scores like 615/625......not mine though....... those who scored such high marks were treated with lot of respect and humility.....even i did that......i considered myself to be lucky if such people talked to me.....i was under such an unbelievable illusion....schooling got over and yes it was time for college now.....finally i was into college......iwas finally going to college which i used to imagine when i was in my lkg and ukg......woooow.....everything seemed so beautiful.......
As you would know when a child comes out of schooling the thing he/she really wants after his PU is to get into IIT(atleast in metropolitan cities). I wasn’t any exception......igot into this institute ACE to get myself prepared for JEE. Truth be told, i was literally dumbstruck when isaw the volume of the course.....a physics/chemistry/math book for 11th grade cbse guys was around 1200 pages......my GOD....i was only used to by hearting stuff from a 100 pages book........it was a real hard time for me at that institute initially but i got used to it as i had no other options......it was like gymming your brain to be something like aamir khan in ghajini.....iwent to this sardar patel pu college and it was a really good college, with friendly friends, friendly ‘LECTURERS’ etc :D . I just couldnot continue with JEE preparation in my second year and ihad to leave that and joined a PU tuition. I felt like a coward soldier running back home after realizing the mammoth opposition. So, i was again back byhearting everything i could.....finally managed to get a decent score and decent rank in CET but a horrible rank in AIEEE and remained unranked in JEE(not a surprise). Again the 2nd PU examination was considered to be another ‘TURNING POINT’ in a student’s life.....this time im really skeptical about that turn....ithink i just turned a bit too much......
My ukg dreams had really come true.....i was 18 and it was not at all exciting as i had presumed....this is currently the sucky part of my jurny......1year of my engineering went by as i made new friends and got to know what it really takes to be an engineer. I had the most ego shattering experiences after coming to this course. All the confidence that was nurtured from the end of 10th grade has been washed away and all that is left is utter confusion. I think this is the case of many students right now....it gets really difficult when u see ur real face in the mirror.....u cant stand that u r nothing but a goof in the technical ocean or ocean of science or watever......its all part of growing up and u gotta beat that thought and define urself......life never ceases to surprise us and its a surprise indeed....ok i don’t know wat i just said, but plz consider it to be remotely philosophical.... :D. I think the actual journey has started now and its really amazing to see that u are still at ground zero after all these days. All those turning points led me to this starting point......wow......it sounds so filmy.....okay more of my stories in next blog......bye....
good one, after long break.
nice growing up experiences.Two "TURNING POINTS" have got u to this "NEW POINT"...u take over from this point and arrive at ur own "NEW POINT" :)
continue blogging.
a ditto comment of mine as was fr the article abt 2nd grade
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