Hi everyone. Anni had been to RRI for almost 1 month to do some project. It seems that he hasnt been successful. We were just talking how things went on there.....
This time even i had joined anni playing some game called FIFA 08....he was obviously defeating me in the game...
Me: Awrite....can we stop playing this??icant score even a single goal.....the game is sick....
Anni: HA!!!!playing games its not as easy as u think mate....u need to give it all u have...
This guy was just crazy about games. He used to shout, scream, whistle, curse the game designer, and do all sorts of things while playing, especially FIFA. The match got over and i lost..
Me: So, whatsup with your RRI project?any progress?.....wat r u actually doing?
Anni: Dude....do not start that topic....i aint gonna discuss anything about that...
Me: Why maga???what happened??u were so excited about the project....weren't u?
Anni: Yeah....i was...but it wasn't....it was too monotonous....
Me: The hubris of the defeated...HAHAHA.....
Anni: Shut up...will u..u just sit here at home and watch some crap reality shows...
Anni, would surely hit me if i teased him even a little more.
Me: OKoK iam sorry...what did u do all these days?
Anni didnt want to share anything, but surprisingly he responded
Anni: Dude....the place is filled with people who are passionate about STUDIES!!!!!!
Me: OHO....u expected the professors there would be passionate about playing FIFA????
Anni: Hey....u came here to tease me or what???if thats the case, go n watch TV...ur favourite program "SAREGAMAPA 2007" is about to start.....
His eyes were wet. I thought, ok let me not tease him anymore.......
Me: Im sorry....continue...
Anni: Dude....what wud u do after your lunch???like if u had to go to some library after your lunch...
Me: Read some magazine, newspaper, novel etc.....why???
Anni: U kno what??in that place people read books like "DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY", "MANY BODY QUANTUM GRAVITY","INSIDE THE FFT BLACK BOX" as though they are magazines man.....cant they play for a while or something?
Anni's expression while naming those books was like Mr.Weasley's when harry said 'voldemort' for the first time in front of him.
Me: So what?let them read...whats ur problem?u read whatever you want....
Anni: As if i wud get whatever i want....
Me: Boss...iasked you about your project...not the people there..
Anni: Oh...ok...I DID NO PROJECT...
Me: Why?? u were doing some modulation stuff right?
Anni: NO....iwasnt...man u seriously think ican write modulation programs in matlab???come on idont have any prerequisites for that.....
Anni relied more on the prerequisites factor rather than trying to study without them.
Me: Ok agreed....ushud have studied them.....HA...u dont have time for games when will u study them?
Anni: Stop criticising me ok....you goto RRI one day and then let me see your "ZEAL" to study....man u take a bus from here....that bus...uffff...the whole of bangalore would be in that..get down at sadashivnagar and walk for almost 1.5kms to that place...at around 3pm u wud get a call from ur friend asking u to come for cricket....u surely cant deny such an invitation.....the ground is about 3kms from there....u have no buses to the ground.....walk under the hot sun....play cricket till 6:00pm...walk to the nearest bus stop which is another 1.5kms from the ground...get back to house at 7:15pm....annddddd u STUDY?????don't forget its your holidays...
Me: if i were u i wouldnt go to play.....
Anni: Oh yeah genius....icant do that....icant play even when in college....and u expect me not to play in holidays.....no wonder you are so good at sports.....
Me: Awrite Mr.Allrounder.....
Anni was really happy with himself for defeating me in conversation.
Me: U dint tell me about your 'project' thingy...u were given the task on the very first day right?
Anni: HAHA.....nothing....u kno what happened on first day?
Anni: I went to his office. He was busy talking with some other professor about GOK(God Only Knows) stuff. After waiting there for more than 30mins, he called me in. He was very warm kind of person. Asked me what all i had in first year, and he asked me what iwas interested.
Me: Hmmmm....
Anni: I told him iwas interested in thermodynamics and mechanics. hahaha, he was expecting something like signal processing, analog circuits. He asked me whether iwas in mechanical or in telecommn.I told him that the electronics we had till now was not interesting, so ididn't know much about electronics.
Anni was enjoying his own dramatic narration.
Anni: He asked me my syllabus. Seeing that, he told that i can do some real-time demonstrations of signal processing on matlab.
Me: ahahhahaha......i can guess your response...u would have said "yes sir yes sir" and repenting after that eh!!!
Anni: Exactly.....i was very excited about this word 'real-time'........
Now both of us were laughing.
Anni: Later i found out that u needed to be really good at fourier transforms to do analog modulation....i picked up a book called fourier transforms and its applications.....in the very first chapter the book used the concept of boundedness.....idont kno even that.....ipick another book called single variable calculus...read about boundedness.....came back.....and there was something called dirchlet's conditions, absolute integrability etcetc.........it got boring....and the 'real time' programming was many parsecs away from me......
Me: Okay......what were u reporting to your guide?
Anni: Some program related to analog modulation that i found on internet......he would ask me some questions like: does it agree with any index?did you plot for 6million points? phew.....my answers were just yes or no s.....all guesses.....
Anni: He would ask me to bring some specific example....when i gave it....he wud say 'this is too specific. why dont you generalize it?'........
Me: Ok...
Anni: One day....when i showed him a nice amplitude modulation demonstration.....he told me to add white noise and fourier transform that and try to frequency modulate it......hahahahhaha.....man it seriously sounded greek to me. I told him idont kno any of those stuff......idont even know fourier transforms....he said: ok kid....study fourier transforms, amplitude modulation and frequency modulation. And he went out of station for 2weeks.......sadhya....
Me: Wokay...did you study them?
Anni: I tried studying but even that started boring....specially fourier transforms...uffff....ihate fourier....
Me: Bidappa.....everything is boring to you other than playing games and cricket.....
Anni: Whoa!!!!!u speak to me as if u are doing ur B.S. at stanford.....stop acting like I-Am-the-next-feynman.........
Me: Shut up......im goin for a walk....coming?
This is how we are, all our conversations end very abruptly, with no conclusions. Arguing with anni is indeed real fun, he turns desperate to win over you.......try it out if u meet him.....
awesome one.very hilarious...each blog is better than previous one..rock on :)
Hi this jst 2 gud......
Great posts dude...
this one was really good!!! u have put forward the frustration of doing a project in such a gr8 way more blogs pleas
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